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Файл: WoWonder 1.2.1/Installation Guide/How to install WoWonder.txt
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"WoWonder v1.2" installation Documentation Thank you for
purchasing WoWonder. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
me using this email address: wowondersocial@gmail.com //
------------------------------------- // 1) Preparation Make sure you
have the following installed on your server: PHP 5.4 + MySQLi Extension GD
Library cURL +----------------------+ 2) Installation - Upload all
files/folders located inside "Script" folder to your server. -
Upload "MySQL" folder to your server. - Import 'WoWonder.sql'
file from the "MySQL" folder into your MySQL database using the
import function available in MySQL phpMyadmin, or other MySQL services. -
Open the file 'config.php' using a text editor, and replace what's between
the brackets: (e.g: 'db_name') with your MySQL settings. (make sure you
write the right url in 'site_url' field) For Social Login, you will need
to create applications on Facebook/Google+/Twitter/LinkedIn/VK. Watch the
video tutorial below on how to implement Social
Login: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNiwZb1KQ9g +----------------------+ 3)
Themes (optional) The theme folder must contain the following: info.php
(contains theme informations such as author, version, auther website,
etc..) themeIcon.png (Theme's icon) the rest of the required theme files
are located in the default theme called 'wowonder'. //
---------------------------------------------- // Admin Login: Username:
admin Password: 12345678 // ----------------------------------------------
// Created: 11/23/2015 Last Update: 10/1/2016 By: Deen Doughouz
(DoughouzForest) Email: wowondersocial@gmail.com Website:
http://www.wowonder.com Copyright © 2016 WoWonder Social Network
Platform. All rights reserved.
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